Monday, July 29, 2019

Color Coding Dot Stickers Help Parents Plan Their Schedule

By Frank Stone

Taking care of kids can be both rewarding and exhausting, especially if there is more than one child in the home. As they grow older, children will have different needs and interests that parents try to remember but a lot of times, this is not possible. While busy children normally grow up to be productive adults, parents who work or have other obligations can become easily overwhelmed. Creating a visual calendar or to do list with color coding dot stickers can help everyone see the daily agenda.

Depending on the size of the home, or how much cleaning is needed, it often helps to plan early. Normally, this should only take a few hours. However, someone has hoarding tendencies, breaking out with an assembly style system may be the best course of action.

This is a fair tradeoff for parents who are always on the run taking their children, and possibly their friends, different places. Choosing to do all of the chores, running errands, and spending quality time can become tiresome. Although working at home is convenient for many, an individual needs a break.

Once the assignment of duties has been established, the next is getting a good playlist together. Asking attendees to contribute is probably the most democratic way. Ideally, the most energetic tunes often encourage a nice adrenaline flow.

People looking for artsy or precious items are not the same as those looking for cheap trinkets. It helps to locate at least two sites that carry similar inventory and the others may be labeled as possible prospects if these seem appealing. If the seller lives in a metropolitan area, they may want to check out local consignment shops.

Using a system can also help keep things in order as far as how often chores are done. Busy adults who live alone will do things when they feel like it or, if possible, hire someone to do the cleaning. If a child is aware that the refrigerator must be cleaned out once a week, this is a habit that will most likely stay with them for life.

When parents are organized, this is a trait they often pass on to their offspring. Being organized also goes hand in hand with teamwork and sharing responsibilities. Those adults who choose to cater to every demand a small child makes will find it hard to break the cycle as they get older. This type of parent is normally the first to get stressed out by not setting any boundaries.

Sometimes, these home parties are just a good reason to get together for laughs or to help someone who has been too busy to clean their home regularly. This is something that friends or family members can do for one another on a rotating basis. While the food and cleaning products may seem to cost a lot, it is probably less than hiring a stranger that may take longer to accomplish the same tasks.

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